Super and SMSF
Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is the fastest growth industry in Australia since approximately 1998. With over 450,000 SMSF funds with an average member balance of almost $500,000 the SMSF industry is huge. However, it is also one of the lowest performing investment segments due to lack of Trustee investment expertise. We have staff with extensive SMSF administration and technical experience. We are known to provide the best personalised SMSF strategies. Our SMSF expertise is second to none and means that we can support any SMSF issue.
- Establishment of a fund
- Winding up of a fund
- Guidance on SMSF borrowing and Unit Trust investments
- Advice prior to transactions or fund changes
- Guidance on matrimonial breakdown and SMSF impact
- Deed upgrade, trustee changes and tailored solutions
- Accounting, tax and financial reporting for any fund
- SMSF audit for non-client funds
Despite the growth of the SMSF sector SMSF may not be a suitable structure for many clients:
- Marital breakdown
- Trustees who have concern for the effort and time involved for such a responsibility.
- Balances under approx $200,000 (or higher)
- A fund where investments are poorly utilised (i.e. high cash holdings) or poorly invested by the unqualified Trustees. Many SMSFs are established for "control" yet Trustees don't exercise the control resulting in poor returns.
- Where all members are not fully involved in decisions. The "minor" members can be subject to loss of some or all their fund without recourse.
- Spendthrift Trustees and members
- Older members who cease to be capable of managing their affairs as a Trustee
- Members who seek illegal early access.